

Em assembleia, professores da Uespi aprovam paralisação de uma semana

A paralisação deve durar até a próxima segunda-feira (18), quando ocorrerá outra assembleia.


The teachers of the State University of Piauí (UESPI) went on strike state on the morning of Monday (11). The decision came after a meeting held between the institution's teachers.


The shutdown is expected to last until next Monday (18), when another meeting will take place, which will be voted indicative of major greve.As claims of the class are the wage increase and the repeal of Law 6,772 / 2016 which, according to class, affects labor rights, such as career plans, salaries and progressions.


According to the teacher Lina Santana, president of the Association of Professors of UESPI (ADCESP) will be requested an audience with the governor Wellington Dias to discuss the guidelines of the category. "We will ask the meeting today through trade. I am optimistic about the movement, has long had no assembly so big, so membership, "he said.


During the meeting, other referrals were taken as a mobilization for an activity on 1 May (Labour Day), and the resumption of the 'SOS UESPI' movement involving the institution's students and workers in the struggle for improving State University Piaui.



Source: PG1 

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Por Otávio Neto

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