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 Foto: Campo Maior Em Foco

MATTER AS UPDATED 16:42. The original call this matter said that " Delegate says father confesses to killing his own son in Campo Maior, but is loose. UNDERSTAND"


On the morning of Friday, April 8, the body Jucivaldo Lima Sales, 29, was found near the family residence in Velame location, near the Field Station District in Major (82 km north of Teresina). From beginning nor family nor the police had suspicions about the circumstance of death, but the body showed injuries (cuts and holes) had a lot of blood next to the body and a knife was found near the body.


On the evening of the same day the report of In Focus was at the police station making coverage of another fact , when witnessed the victim's father, Lucius Anselmo Sales "Binga", 56, being taken to a police station room. It could just be the testimony of a father who has just lost a son. On the same night came comments that the father was suspected of killing her son and would have surrendered espontanemanete.



The next day, Saturday, the report was in search of some answers. Witnesses said the elderly would get involved in a discussion with his son the night before the crime , and father and son used to drink a lot and were constant fights between the two. In the Focus, the deputy Andrei Alvarenga did not confirm this suspicion and said that on Friday night the elderly appeared drunk and was eventually released for lack of evidence. Andrei said that 80% of research was completed, but that the details would be kept confidential. "I can not disclose that information. I can not confirm that. It would be folly. We have to find out all right "said the In Focus. 


Body was found about 100 meters from the house where the victim lived with his father


The delegate Andrei Alvarenga said his father and other witnesses were heard informally and yesterday, Monday, would be heard again. "We have a key witness, we have a line of consolidated investigation, but it is a very difficult case for the other," he said. 


Yesterday, at the end of the day, the regional delegate Laércio Evangelista reportedly told journalist Francisca Pinto GP1 site that investigations were still completed on Saturday and Lucius Anselmo Sales presented the police of their own free will on the same day, assuming killed the son stabs. Even confessing to the crime, the father continued loose. "He has not been arrested, he came to the police station later on Saturday and appeared free voluntarily to police and confessed to the crime, that's free from prison in the act," said the delegate to the site. The delegate said Lucius Anselmo Sales will be charged with aggravated murder and, soon after, the police carry out the request for provisional arrest of the accused. Laércio have confirmed that the In Focus had calculated with popular region, fights were constant between the two.



The lawyer Fernandes, defending Lucius Anselmo Sales "Binga", 56, denounced by a man as the murderer of his own son, Jucivaldo Lima Sales, 29, crime occurred in madrugda Friday, denied that his client has confessed to being the murderer and also said the delegate Laércio did not give the statement to any journalist.


According to Fernandes, the father swears he did not commit anything against the child. And make sure that absolute that whoever killed her son was a man who identified that will identify P., who is his friend. The lawyer said that the father reported that on Thursday night was the son treating animal offal when the man arrived at the scene and asked if he could take a rum with them. Lucius did not accept, but the son does. Before the drink end, P. asked if he could buy more drink. While they were drinking, P. discussed Jucivaldo (the victim) because of music: One wanted to hear a tacky and the other vaquejada. P. got up and went to his home, which is nearby. After a while, the deceased said he would drink a rum on the street. The father asked that he not be, and seeing that the child does not obey asked him was not a motorcycle or bicycle, for he was already drunk. Jucivaldo was walking. The said, according to the lawyer, believes the child was searching P.

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Also according to the lawyer, the preliminary report pointed out that Jucivaldo he did not die by stabbing, but bottlenecks. "The knife was the victim, who used to clean the entrails of animals, work that was in his father's company. The father had no scratch on the body, no bruising. His physical pole is impossible to have fought against the son, took his gun and killed him. And why he would begin to stick and then would strangle? "Asks the lawyer.


Fernandes believes that is not only a person who committed the crime, but said the man P. (appointed by his father as a suspect) who was denounced to the police that his father would have killed. The lawyer added that the man disappeared from home. "I've been there myself and neighbors say he left saying he would be a few days out on a farm, but did not say where is this farm. I think he ran away, "said the lawyer.



The In Focus Tantou talk to the journalist in the writing of GP1, but it had not yet arrived. The chief editor was retonar of our connection.



The In Focus talked to the delegate Laércio Evangelista that would have given the statement that the victim's father would have confessed to the crime. Laércio said gave no information stating that the elderly had confessed. 

The delegate revealed that a person close to the family have sought police and stated that during a conversation with Lucius Anselmo, the victim's father, he would have confessed responsibility for the murder. Laércio points out that the statement was made in an informal way and the police continues working to crack the case. 



The space is open to all cited in the matter and not heard.

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