

Prefeitura do Piauí abre concurso com salários de até R$ 2.300.00

As inscrições estão abertas e seguem até o dia 8 de maio de 2016.

 Foto: Reprodução

The Lagoa Alegre Prefecture launched a public tender notice for filling 40 vacancies in all levels of education. Salaries range from R $ 880.00 to R $ 2,300.00, plus benefits ( Confiral the EDICT ).


Registration is open and continue until May 8, 2016 only by the site www.institutomachadodeassis.com.br .

The opportunities are for general services assistant positions (1), driver category "d" (2), nutritionist (1), operator of heavy machinery (3), urban cleaning agent (3) and driver category "b" (1) for fundamental level.


As for the medium / technical level vacancies are for technical in nursing (1), technical oral health (1), technical laboratory (1), municipal guard (4) and administrative assistant (4) accounting technician (2) ;


Finally, there are opportunities for higher education: Medical (3), nurse (1), psf nurse (1), physical educator (1) Physiotherapist (1) Dentist (1), pharmaceutical / biochemical (1) teachers in biology areas (1), physical education (1), elementary / early childhood education (3), history (1), pedagogue (1), English (1) geography (1) mathematics (1) Portuguese (1 ), a journalist (1), fiscal taxes (1), county attorney (1), social workers (1) and psychologist (1).


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Entry fees, which are R $ 60.00 to R $ 100.00. The objective tests are planned for May 29, 2016.

Por Otávio Neto

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