

Veja como vota no impeachment os Deputados Federais votados em Campo Maior

O Em Foco fez um levantamento e mostra qual é o posicionamento dos deputados federais piauienses que foram votados em Campo Maior.


Began early on Friday (15/04), the House of Representatives, the session discussing the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. The discussions in the plenary of the House shouldnt last until next Sunday (17) When it will be voted on opening the offside process PT government. 

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You know how to vote the deputies who received the vote of campomaiorenses? Do you know the number of votes won in Campo Maior? The In Focus did a survey and shows what the positioning of Piaui congressmen who voted Were in Campo Maior in 2014 elections.   

Of the ten parliamentarians Were Piaui bench in Congress, They all received votes in Campo Maior in 2014 elections Mr Heraclitus Fortes, the PSB, the best voted in the county with 3,742 votes, is in for impeachment of the president of the republic. They again please: Atila Lira (PSB), Iracema Portella (PP) and Rodrigo Martins (PSB). Congressman Julio Cesar (PSD) not stated his position. 


The Rejane Dias MP, PT, received the second highest vote of Major Field voters, 2,734 votes. The PT follows the guidance of the party and is against the impediment. Who does not follow the guidance of the party is Mr Marcelo Castro (PMDB). The former health minister is against the opening of proceedings. They are still against Fabio Abreu (PTB), Assis Carvalho (PT) and Paes Landim (PTB). 

According to the voting order announced by the Mayor Eduardo Cunha, the bench Piaui deputies will be the 20th to declare the vote. 

In the first round of the 2014 election to President Dilma totaled 68.65% of the municipal votes (17.790 votes). In the second round que number jumped to 19.782 votes (74.83%). 



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Por Otávio Neto

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