

Policial federal é condenado por subtrair carga apreendida na BR 343

A materialidade do delito foi comprovada pela declaração dos responsáveis pelo transporte dos sacos de cimento.

 Foto: Reprodução

Federal Court in the State of Piaui, in deriving the 1st Court ruling condemned the AC F G. defendant by subtracting part of the cement cargo trailer was seized by the Federal Highway Police, taking advantage of the facility that provided him the Federal Police road condition to the facts of the team.


Materiality of the crime was confirmed by the statement of the Responsible for the transport of cement bags, by hired the police to the freight charge removed from the trailer that was parked in the courtyard near the Surveillance Station of the Federal Highway Police, the BR 343 , km 335 in Teresina / PI.


The accused Redbourn the removal of cement bags, but maintained that the post was abandoned inside the trailer parked on private land and pointed in October that the office owner has expressed disinterest in charge.


In the ruling, the judge Considered That It was known to the police that the corporation does not have its own building for the storage of seized vehicles, using for both of neighboring land to the post area, and that the administration has not taken any steps towards causes or call the real owner to redeem the property, remaining in custody (possession, custody and responsibility) of These, BOTH the trailer (semi-trailers), the its content (cement).


Also pointed to October the documentary and testimonial evidence produced in the records proved that the cement bags Were removed from the semi-trailer on 28/01/2008, so before the owning company statement, dated 12/02/2008, where she said it had more interest in the load. Thus, there Remained not Demonstrated the characterization of derelicta res (intention to leave the thing) prior to the criminal fact.


Also, left shown that, in addition to ease due to be the opportunity the only public official present at the post of the PRF and Therefore retain control and the power que over the interests of the administrative unit, the accused Also used the post of police Federal Road to Ensure transportation of cement bags to the destination for it pointed Out in which witnesses said the police car driven by the accused, Accompanied the truck to the height of the Ladeira of Uruguay, with the purpose of passing the Supervisory Office of the Secretary of Finance.


Thus, materiality and authorship criminal proven, the magistrate upheld the original request and sentenced the defendant for committing the crime of embezzlement, theft, provided for in art. 312, § 1 of the Criminal Code by imposing penalties of two years' imprisonment and a fine, converted one in restrictive law, in the form of service to the community or public entity and a fine.


The judgment failed to declare the loss of public office by the accused held, given Beheerder Beheerder that he Has Been dismissed from the post of Police Federal Road.

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Por Otávio Neto

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