

Criança é internada em estado grave depois de participar de suposto ritual de magia negra

A menina tem a cabeça raspada e possui diversas cicatrizes em forma de cruz espalhadas pelo corpo.


A girl of 10 years was admitted to the Emergency Hospital Teresina Dr. Zenon Rocha (HUT) with intoxication, and police suspect it was used in a black magic ritual.


The child was admitted to hospital in very serious condition and remains in a coma in the pediatric ICU. Girl's family informed the doctors that she would have had to ingest the substance not identified the Alleged ritual. 


"This child has not evolved to Improve. She keeps this deep coma and the clinical picture it is very critical. It is a case where there is very little chance of survival," says Gilberto Albuquerque, director of HUT.

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The girl cam to be seen at the Satellite Hospital, and on 14, was Transferred to the larger emergency department of the capital, where he arrived with virtually the vitais.Inicialmente signs, the mother said her daughter had only to suddenly gone wrong, but Began doctors to press for the family give more details, and one of the girl's relatives ended up revealing that the girl was forced to take a strange liquid, which had a sample left at the hospital.


The suspicion is very that the girl's mother would have forced the daughter to take the substance. Family have revealed that women Also participating in black magic rituals in the city of Maranhao.


"The family INITIALLY denied the Possibility of poisoning. Her stomach waste Were collected and the bottle to which relatives expressed here are the police can analyze the Possibility that some poison or drug That Could have led to this situation" adds Gilberto Albuquerque.


The HUT Also informed the girl has a shaved head and has scars on Several cross shape around the body.


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The Child Protection Council of Teresina already Reported the case to Police Protection of Children and Adolescents (DPCA). But the delegate Responsible forwarded the investigation to the 11th District that understanding the crime it is an attempted murder.


"It is very small [the chance of survival]. The patient who has not evolved in this period that Remained intubated, and that, on the contrary, has worsened characteristics ... It is a virtually irreversible framework," Concludes the director Gilberto Albuquerque.


The delegate Guilherme Ferraz, the 11th DP received the case on Tuesday, and Told the story that is just beginning the investigation. He said he will summon the child's father to testify, and his team are trying to find the mother, who would have gone since the crime was Reported. She and her father are divorced.


Source: Portal Day 

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Por Otávio Neto

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