

Adolescente é assassinado com tiro na cabeça no Piauí

A vitima era conhecida por praticar arrombamentos na região e hipótese mais provável é a de acerto de contas.


A young man identified the Laelson Honorato de Sousa, 22, was killed with a shot to the head on the afternoon of Wednesday (27) in Vila Mocambinho, north of Teresina. 

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According to police information, Laelson was surprised by two men on two motorcycles while walking along one of the streets of the neighborhood. The victim died before the arrival of medical help. 


Also According to the police, the victim was known to practice break-ins in the area and Most Likely hypothesis is the reckoning. Police homicide police Were at the scene to conduct the first surveys on the case. 


Source: Meio Norte 

Por Otávio Neto

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