

Piauí é o estado com maior número de "Marias", aponta dados do IBGE

Com relação a nomes do sexo masculino, são os Francisco que representam a maior parcela da população piauiense.

 Foto: Agência Brasil

Piauí is a state formed by Marias, it is aiming an unprecedented survey of the IBGE made during the 2010 Census, to profile the names of Brazilians. According to the survey, the state has the highest rate of women whose first name is Mary: 11610.27 Marias are each 100 thousand inhabitants. This means that, in a population of 3,118,360 people, Piaui has about 362,050 Marias.


With respect to male names are the Francisco that represent the largest portion of Piaui population. According to IBGE, the state ranks second in the national ranking in number of people whose first name is Francisco. The state's total population (3,118,360 people), Francisco name appears in at least 135,227 birth records, which represents a rate of 4340.01 Franciscos every 100 thousand inhabitants. The State of Ceará is the leading in the number of Franciscos in Brazil, with a rate of 6126.88 records every 100 thousand inhabitants.


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The IBGE survey also shows that the names Mary and Joseph Francisco took turns as the three most common in Piaui, from the 30s until the 1990s Maria managed to remain always as the most popular female name in the state, with its boom (apex of births and records) in the 1960s, when 68,499 Marias born in Piauí. Since then, the incidence of the name has shown decrease, reaching only 30,102 Marias born in the 1990s Already from the 2000s, this number grew again, reaching the level of 38,532 people with Mary in the first name.


Francisco was the most common name in Piaui during the 1980s, with a total of 25,514 people born with this name. Since then, the number of records has been decreasing, and reached 14,625 Franciscos born in the state in the 2000s Following the same trend appears Jose, which had its boom in the 1960s, with 22,250 people baptized with this name. In the 2000s, Piaui had only 9,980 people whose first name was Joseph.


The IBGE survey also shows that the millennium (from 2000), Francisco José and were replaced by Anne and John, as the second and third most common names in Piaui, respectively. From 1990 to 2010, the name Ana went on to appear in 17,406 people in the state, and John in 15,295. Mary remained in the first place, currently appearing in 38,733 people.



The IBGE survey shows that the most common female names of Piaui, from 2010 are Maria Francisca and Ana. Already in masculine names, top the list Francisco, Jose and Antonio. John, who had been among the top three from 2000 to 2010, fell to fourth place.


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Source: Portal Day

Por Otávio Neto

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