

Marcelo Castro se reúne com integrantes do PMDB em Teresina

A organização e eleições dos diretórios municipais são algumas das pautas do encontro.


The Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB) held on the afternoon of Monday (02) at the party's headquarters in Teresina, the first meeting of the president of the regional branch, Marcelo Castro, with members of the party after he left the Ministry of Health.


The organization and elections of municipal directories were some of meeting agendas. Former minister Marcelo Castro declared that he did not feel any discomfort with his return to the presidency of the PMDB in Piaui, and stressed that there will be no changes in the directory.


"There will be no change, everything will remain as before. Since assuming the presidency of the regional directory, I have with me a brand that is to do everything in the most transparent way possible, sharing, sharing responsibilities with the participation of all in the most democratic way possible, "he pointed out.


State Representative Joe Santana, highlighted some points that were addressed during the meeting. "It was a routine meeting with administrative staff of the party, but that meeting was in particular the return of our president Marcelo Castro who was in front of the Ministry of Health. At that time, he made a kind of checks and balances of his actions, mainly geared to one increment revenue, transfers of resources to the state of Piauí and to Teresina city in a special way, which is expected to have a positive impact immediately improving health services to the people of our state and our capital, "he pointed out.


They attended the meeting, the President of the Legislative Assembly of Piaui, Themistocles Son, Members Juliana Morais Santana and Ze, the former state representative Warton Santos and other municipal leaders.


Source: PG1

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