

Conselho de Medicina flagra falso médico atuando em hospital do norte do Piauí

O hospital não apresentou a ficha contratual do médico e nem soube explicar se conferiu a veracidade das informações do profissional.


Tax the Regional Council of Medicine of Piaui (CRM) reported to the police a false doctor acting as duty physician at the local hospital in Porto, 158 km from Teresina. The case was discovered during inspection completed on Sunday (1), 20 health facilities in northern Piaui.

In operation, the tax found that the professional had medical records and found that the registry used by it belonged to someone else. The Council also entered into telephone contact with the suspect, who upon being informed of the inspection hung up the call.


According to the president of CRM-PI, Emmanuel sources, the hospital administration did not present the contract of the medical record and neither could explain it checked the veracity of professional information. Given the situation, the tax registered a police report about the fact and the Council sent an official letter to the department of the Federal Police of Piaui and prosecutors so that they investigate the case.

"The fake doctor was denounced for illegal exercise of the profession, which is also configured as the ideological falsity, since the suspect used the record of another doctor duly registered in CRM," he said.


Source: G1 PI

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