

Criança com histórico de acidentes na família morre afogada em Castelo do Piauí

Ela já havia sobrevivido a um acidente de moto. Avó da criança morreu ano passado de acidente e um primo morreu em 2012.

 Fonta: Ronaldo Mota

A one-year and five months, identified by Joanderson Pereira da Silva, died Sunday (17), after drowning in a water tank in the locality Dam Lowland, in rural Piaui Castle. The child's parents reside in Brotas locality and would have gone to spend the weekend at grandma's house. In a moment of distraction, the boy ended up going to the backyard and fell into the tank.

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Ten minutes later the mother found the child in the dying tank. The child came to be taken to the Nile Hospital Lima, but arrived without life.


A history of accidents has marked family. On April 9, 2015, Joanderson followed a motorcycle with his father, Silvano Alves da Silva, 30, the mother Cleonice Pereira da Silva, 24, over a 9-year-old brother in direação the same location of today's tragedy when to pass a bump he overbalanced and went against the ground. The accident happened at Av. Dirceu Mendes Arcoverde in Piçarra neighborhood, still within the city limits Castle. The child was with several escoreações the body. The mother hit her head on the floor, and the father and the brother of nine years sofreream abrasions on the body. 



On November 4, 2015, the grandfather of the child Antonio Alves de Sousa, 64, died from a motorcycle accident in PI-115, between the Castelo do Piauí ages to St. Michael's Tapuio. He moved to the same location Brotas, where he lived, when he invaded the opposite lane and collided head-on with a vehicle model PEUGEOT.



On October 12, 2012, Antonio Alves de Sousa Filho, 22, son of Antonio Alves de Sousa and uncle of the child, also died traffic accident victim. He was driving to the county seat when it collided with his motorcycle on a donkey that was in AV. Dirceu Mendes Arcoverde in Piçarra neighborhood. With the collision, the vehicle fuel leaked drenching the driver and the animal, which caught fire.

Da Redação. campomaioremfoco@hotmail.com