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Secretaria de Agricultura convoca trabalhadores do Seguro Safra

Todos os trabalhadores rurais cadastrados no seguro safra devem comparecer a sede da secretaria para receberem os boletos do programa.


The Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply is calling for urgent all registered rural workers in Safra Insurance 2015-2016 to attend a matter of urgency at the secretariat headquarters to receive the slips of the program.

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Safra insurance ensures rural worker an extra income against losses in the field. The municipality of Tile Cocal already held its hand and now is the time of the employee contribute. The boletus esttão scheduled to expire on January 29 hence the urgency for everyone to quickly go to the Agriculture Department to receive their billets.

The technique of the Municipal Agriculture Cleudiane Marques told our news team that the secretariat will be working in special character every day in the morning hours and the afternoon and if possible until the weekend if necessary. Cleudiane also said that those who wish can call the phone 98153 3508 for more information about the Safe Safra.