The Department of Health of Our Lady of Nazareth held in the period from 30 April to 20 May to campaign against Influenza A (H1N1), and this 30/04 Saturday from 8: 00hs morning the day "D" vaccination in the square Antonio Alves. We invite all priority groups to be present to receive their dose, bearing the SUS vaccine and card card.
Priority groups are:
Health Workers
Children from 6 months to under 5 years (4 years, 11 months and 29 days)
People aged 60 or more
diseases Carriers Chronic
Ex: Chronic Renal, chronic respiratory, asthma, Transplanted, diabetics and etc ...
Do not forget, will be on Saturday 30/04 in the square Antonio Alves.
the vaccine is free to seek the post of Health of our county and PROTECT YOURSELF.
Léo Oliveira
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