

Alunos que Boqueirão do Piauí festejam aprovação no Enem


Students of School Unit Professor Antônio dos Reis e Silva, in Boqueirão do Piauí, Were approved at the National High School Exam - ENEM, this is the main college entrance giving access to public education in Brazil and busiest in the country. Grasyele and David did the ENEM in 2015 and made registration in the Unified Selection System - SISU, Which had approval. Now is aindam students failed job can enroll in PROUNI, 19 to 22 January and FIES, 03-06 of August.

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This Demonstrated que Boqueirao the teaching of Piaui is slowly standing in October Congratulations to approved. 


Grasyele Oliveira Sousa - Approved for Biology Course - UESPI - LARGEST FIELD



David Almeida - Approved for the Science course Computer - UESPI - concoction.