

Cocal de Telha: Saúde elabora e implanta Plano Emergencial contra o Aedes-egypti


The Health Municipal and various Representatives of civic and governmental entities of the city Gathered on the morning of Wednesday (13), in the meeting of the City Hall to discuss the implementation of the Emergency Municipal Plan for the Prevention and Control of Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika and microcephaly.

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At the meeting Were municipal secretaries present, Councillors, Heads of Departments, technical and health professionals in addition to Mayor Ana Celia and the President of Alderman Kilson Oliveira House.

The aim was to draw up the plan and discuss actions synchronized so That We can deploy These the goals set with the participation of the whole community BOTH in urban as in rural areas. The intention will be to convene the entire population and its endemic agents, Their community health workers in this energetic action, Especially raising awareness with the population in the fight against mosquitoes.

On the occasion que members were elected to the municipal coordination to confront the Mosquito Responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the fight against mosquitoes actions. actions like lectures Were highlighted, home visits, and clean-up various actions "All against the mosquito."