

Traficante é preso em flagrante com 29 papelotes de drogas em Castelo

Uma denúncia anônima levou os policiais a localizarem o traficante Antônio Luís.

 Foto: Divulgação PM

The Piaui Castle Police received complaints in the late afternoon of Saturday (16) that a man would be drug baggies of ownership and marketing at various strategic points of the city. 

A team initiated the action and managed to identify minutes later, the Bar Street in Castle, the young Antonio Luis Rodrigues Costa possession of 26 bundles of cocaine, 3 containing marijuana and various chips for mobile. 

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Portal to Marvão, Sergeant Gomes of the Military Police Collation Castle said the accused arrested in flagrante markets the drug in other parts of the city, but its biggest target has always been a traditional dance Funk that happens in the city. 

Antonio Luis was I forward to the DP which was booked in flagrante by drug trafficking crime.  



Repórter Otávio Neto