

Crianças do SCFV de jatobá do Piauí faz caminhada contra o mosquito Aedes aegypti

As crianças aprenderam a eliminar potenciais criadouros do mosquito, como latas, garrafas PET, entre outros, e recolheram muitos objetos.


The Coexistence Service and Link-Building, Project maintained by the municipal government office and social assistance, is the culmination of the fight the mosquito Aedes aegypti Project.


In this Monday, project students had the accompaniment of professional reference and Social Assistance Center (CRAS) and Endemic Tax the health department to do a "sweep" the city in citizen action. The children learned to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites, such as cans, PET bottles, among others, and collected many objects.


The walk ended in Square Our Lady of Grace with a Capoeira wheel.


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Da Redação. campomaioremfoco@hotmail.com