

Kassab informa Dilma sobre decisão do PSD a favor do impeachment

Kassab já havia informado há cerca de um mês aos integrantes da cúpula do governo que iria liberar a bancada dos deputados para votarem de acordo com "a consciência" de cada um no processo de afastamento da petista.


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After attending a meeting with PSD MPs in the House, the Minister of Cities and creator of legend, Gilberto Kassab, went to the Presidential Palace on Wednesday (14), communicate to President Dilma Rousseff on the decision of the majority in behalf bench impeachment. Despite the counter movement, the minister did not say Also Whether deliver the post.


Kassab had Reported about a month to government summit members who would release the bench of deputies to vote According to "the conscience" of each PT in the removal process.


Before meeting with Rousseff, the minister heard the parliamentarians who Demanded an official position of the party on the day of voting, scheduled for next Sunday. At the team, Kassab said he would not have left, but que most of the decision would be respected.


Currently, Among the 36 members of the party, it is estimated que at least 26 are in behalf of impeachment. The pro-government would be only five. After the landing decision of PP taken on Tuesday, 12, the PSD was until the night of the fourth, one of the government's main investment focus in an attempt to Prevent the opposition get the 342 votes needed to take the process of impeachment to the Senate .


 "We changed to favorable released, while respecting the position of the different members," said the PSD leader in the House, Roger Rosso (DF), who said que the dissidents will not be punished.


According to members of the PSD summit heard the report, Despite the feeling que the impeachment process shouldnt be approved, has not started talks with Vice President Michel Temer, about the possible composition of a new government.


Source: UOL

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Por Helder Felipe

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