

Câmara aprova continuidade do processo de impeachment com ampla maioria

 Zeca Ribeiro/Câmara dos Deputados

The House of Representatives approved the opening of impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, in an open vote on the floor of the House, held on Sunday (17). The result of the session que directs the action que can bring down the PT of the federal government, Which needed 342 votes, it was DECIDED with ample clearance, with 37 votes in advance.

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In all, 367 deputies voted in behalf of the opening process and 137 against. Two MPs did not attend seven DECIDED to refrain from giving Their votes. 


With the result, the opinion of the rapporteur Jovair Arantes (PTB-GO), prepared in the Special of the Impeachment Committee, now goes to the Senate, who must approve, by simple majority, opening the action, Which would lead to the removal of dilma for 180 days. Then only does the process really begins. 


"You are authorized to prosecution of Mrs. Dilma Rousseff for the crime of responsibility in the complaint made by Hélio Pereira Bicudo, Miguel Reale and Janaina Conception Paschoal because of additional decrees without congressional authorization," he announced the president of the House, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), after more than six hours of voting. "The decision will be communicated to the chairman of the Senate [Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL)]."


Photo: Ueslei Marcelino / Reuters


longest session history

Started on Friday morning (15), the session que Became the longest in the history of the House included speeches by more than two hundred deputies and dragged the early mornings of the weekend. In addition to the part of the other attacks, the last three days Were marked by protests with placards and banners in the plenary and riots. 


Early in the afternoon of Sunday, there was confusion before and During the rapporteur's speech Jovair Arantes, Which Preceded the vote. opposition and pro-government MPs are accusing each other of lead tracks to the House, Which is not allowed. Cunha had to Intervene to Prevent further transactions. Throughout Their votes, Which started almost two hours late from que intended by Cunha - just before 18h - MPs shouted the reason for Their votes in similar speeches BOTH on one side to the other.


The overwhelming advantage of votes of the opposition to the government, However, ended up setting the tone of votes, with deputies armed bands with the colors of the Brazilian flag widely noisier than Those who shouted "will not get hit." Votes against the process Were booed, favorable Concluded. 


When the end result was approaching, the anti-Dilma deputies Began to count vote by vote, exerting great pressure on the ruling, notoriously unhappy with the defeat. If Dilma is removed, the vice-president, Michel Temer, temporarily assume the office of President of the Republic for 180 days. If the process in the Senate is not closed, it returns to the executive branch until the decision is in September 


The there is the replacement for vice president if Dilma is away, Cunha would be immediately Replaced Temer in the event of his absence. The mayor, the main target of the pro-government over the vote, is a defendant in the case of Operation Lava Jet for corruption in the Supreme Court, in addition to facing impeachment action in the Council of Ethics and Parliamentary Decorum of the House.


Source: iG

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