

Marcelo Castro diz na Câmara que impeachment é artificial e forjado

O Piauí ficou dividido com 5 votos a favor e 5 contrários à continuidade do processo de afastamento da presidenta Dilma Rousseff.


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Minister of Health licensed to return to the House of Representatives and vote for impeachment, Marcelo Castro (PMDB-PI) Helped to balance the state's score. Piaui was split with five votes in for and 5 against the continuation of the president of the removal process Dilma Rousseff.


"This is not a direct vote. It impeachment proceedings. And this assume que there is crime of responsibility. President Dilma not violated any law of the country. He is a decent, honest person. No crime in. This whole process artificial is. It is forged crime. It is false, "he fumed plenário.No the state, Dilma Could count on one vote more, que would be Mrs Iracema Portella (PP), Which, by imposing party, said, contradicted the favorable vote to the process. "With feelings of sadness, vote yes," he said.


With a score que, in full, the total now 269 votes in for and 94 against, 4 abstentions and absences 2, the government still less optimistic. Among other smaller stands, the the Holy Spirit, the number of yes votes Reached 8 to 2. In Rio Grande do Norte, Which has 8 members, the votes Were the majority, with a result of 7 and only 1 otherwise.


Voting is taking place individually. The determined by the Supreme Court (STF), in a meeting last Friday (15), the vote will follow the the internal rules of the House with alternating call members of the Northern Region to the south.


There are still six states, including Minas Gerais, Which is the second largest party with 53 lawmakers. The approval process depends on the votes of 342 deputies (2/3 of 513) in behalf of the opinion of Mr Jovair Arantes (PTB-GO), Which recommends against Dilma opening process, que Considering there was the EN responsibility for edit additional crime credit decrees without the authorization of Congress and the delay of payments que Became known the tax pedaling. If the process is allowed, the judgment of the president will be Conducted by the Senate.


Source: Agency Brazil 

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