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The City of São Paulo has filed suit in which he asks the Court to annul the donation of the land where it was built the Morumbi, made by construction Aricanduva SA the Sao Paulo Football Club in 1952. The club will be called to present arguments, and then the Justice will present decision.


In the report, the City sent a note in which he states that the donation of the land to São Paulo Futebol Clube is "legally untenable":


"After years of discussion in two actions previously filed by citizens, monitoring and recovery measures by the State Public Ministry, the City filed this demand which aims to regularize the situation of Morumbi Stadium. The donation made in the 1950s is unsustainable legally, should be replaced by another appropriate legal instrument in due course (concession, permit, sales etc.), after the judicial recognition of this irregularity "he said.


If the court decides in favor of the claim of the City Hall, the donation made in 1952 will be canceled and the São Paulo may even have to pay for the land. If the outcome is negative for the City, will be held the donation of the land where the Morumbi was built. The action is signed by attorney Luis Felipe Ferreira Mendonça Cruz.


On August 23, 1951 the Company and Mercantile commissionaire Merco SA obtained a license to promote housing development on the ground of their property, in place until then called Leonor Garden. On June 27, 1952 the enterprise was acquired by construction Aricanduva SA


It was intended to make a residential core of the settlement. Within the project had 99.873m² area named "Free Area D". After the approval of the allotment project Aricanduva SA decided to donate this area to São Paulo Futebol Clube, who had expressed intention to build a stadium in place.


After the City Planning Department of the City Hall resist the idea, then president of the club, Cicero Pompeu de Toledo, persuaded the court not to oppose the donation.


Today the city argues that the project was approved in the 1950s project that intended to "Free Area D" social counterparts and public use. Wanted, São Paulo remained silent until the publication of the report.


Source: UOL

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Por: Por Helder Felipe

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