

Criança que morreu no HUT foi vítima de violência sexual, diz laudo

O laudo também apontou que o líquido que a criança ingeriu não continha veneno.


The counselor tutelary Djan Moreira, said late on Monday (02), in an interview with TV Club, a child of 10 years, Frances Alice, who died last Thursday (28) with suspected poisoning, was abused sexually. The information was confirmed, after the Guardian Council have access to the report.


According Djan, the report also pointed out that the net that the child ingested contained no poison. Police are in possession of the document and awaiting the results of further tests to certify the cause of the girl's death. The counselor also highlighted, which is in favor of the temporary arrest of the girl's parents.


"With the examination that was done, we had information that unfortunately, but has been proven to sexual violence, child Alice 10 years. I advocate the temporary detention of the mother and father of this child, because a child who arrived in a coma in HUT, the question was poisoned or not, has been ruled out, but the substance she took, ingested or gave her, are waiting for this exam come from Goiania, but does anyone know [what happened], so we support the temporary detention of her parents, to understand what is happening. What can not is the death of that child get away with it, "he said. 


Alice's parents were heard during this afternoon at the police station for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (DPCA). The girl's father was alone at the police station while the mother was accompanied by a lawyer. Delegated Tatiana Trigueiro is responsible for the investigation. 


Recall the case 

On 14 April, Frances Alice was admitted to the Emergency Hospital in Teresina, with signs of intoxication. The child, who has arrived to the hospital in a coma, showed signs of torture and remained hospitalized for 14 days in the Intensive Care Unit of HUT, come to death in the last 28. 


Alice would have participated in alleged "cleansing rituals". The girl was admitted to hospital with multiple scars cross-shaped around the body. The mother claimed that her daughter was a treatment against asthma at a site within the city of Timon, in Maranhao.


Source: PG1 

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