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Sigefredo Pacheco realiza II Feira da Agricultura Familiar no Dia do Trabalhador

Feira faz parte das comemorações de 24 anos de emancipação política do município e também pelo dia do Tabalhador

 Fotos: Campo Maior Em Foco e Divulgação

As part of the celebrations Sigefredo Pacheco of political emancipation of birthday and Labor Day, the city government in partnership with the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Workers Union, held on 30 April, 07: pm, the II Exhibition and Marketing families of agricultural Products of families Production Units Sigefredo Pacheco.


The event takes place in front of the City Public Market and aims to boost the marketing of products of Family Farming of the beneficiaries of the National Agrarian Credit Program and traditional communities.



Mayor Oscar Flag stressed that the municipality of agriculture had first attention in its management and highlighted the good work of the Secretary Douglas Pereira, adding that the ideal is to make the show something permanent. Douglas said in the first edition were nogociados about 8000 real products, but the trade has also benefited from the sale of other products.


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30 also happens the finals of amateur football, another field that has received special attention Flag Oscar mayor's management, Bigão Popular and popular festival with Spacial Bands and Romim Forest.




Thursday, the 28th, with the realization of a cult at 19: 30h in the Church Assembly of God.


Friday, the 29th, happens, 07: 00hs, the Raising of the Flags happens, execution of hymns and 07: 30h breakfast, both in the Square Our Lady of Conception; 09: 30h Mass in Thanksgiving in the Church of Our Lady of Conception, and 17: 00hs has the opening of the Health Academy, with cultural presentations of the project "Group Living Better", capoeira and dance with CRAS students among a ambulance, then forró Pé de Serra, and 21: 00hs in the Square, has Seresteiro Flório.


Saturday, the 30th, the 07: 00hs happens to Fair of Family Agriculture II in front of the Central Market; at 16: 00hs has football; and at night, in the square, it happens congratulations and cut the cake, popular bingão and popular festival with Spacial Bands and Romim Forest.

Da Redação. campomaioremfoco@hotmail.com