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Campo Maior em Foco tem um novo blogueiro; CONHEÇA

O blog irá promover arte e cultura em Campo Maior


Through the partners of Prime Events, I was introduced to Julyano Ode, artist captain campense, full of creative ideas that come to Campo Maior with the commitment to implement the Big House Club, projects that have been successful in your venture in his native city, now renamed to Prime Badasbanda who migrated to our Campo Maior, opened on 02 April. 


With the focus on the interconnection of campomaiorenses media outlets, Ode, simultaneously launches with PIAUÍ HADIVERSOS, here at the Major Field In Focus is a blog and Radio Jenipapo Of Heroes will be the same name program with interactive format, which will air every Saturday from morning 8 am, guided music and art Piaui, and the events he conceives as press secretary of Prime Events. Thursday, day 07, he will give interview, around 11:30 in the Journal of Jenipapo Heroes, to talk about his debut on station and other projetos.Sintonize!

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Julyano Ode, comes to revolutionize Campomaiorense cultural scene and to promote cultural exchanges between the press, trade and the city's artists and our capital and coastline. Face, arrives with his coming FEIJOADA POP FEST in partnership with CN Campo Maior Motorcycles with the approval of the manager Claudemi Honda. The event will take place on a Sunday morning, on May 15, with live music, pool bath and draw for a Honda POP 0km. For you that follows us as a reader, see the photo gallery that we prepare with the trajectory of our newest blogger and have a sense of what will come based on what he has done. 











Por Weslley paz