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Conselho Tutelar Alerta: É proibido vender bebidas para menores

Conselho Tutelar fecha o cerca para a venda de bebidas a menores em Cocal de Telha e disponibiliza telefone para comunicação de casos.


The feast of St. Joseph the Worker in Tile Cocal that started last Thursday (21) with closing scheduled for May 1st is moving around the city. However the concern of the organization is the maintenance of order and brotherhood.

Atento guarantees of the rights of children and adolescents, the Guardianship Council of the municipality is developing guidance campaigns about the ban on the sale and supply of beverages and other drugs to children and adolescents. All traders who are working in the Square St. Joseph the Worker been instructed about the ban and penalties of Law during meetings in the House of Entrepreneur.

Although the prohibition watch out this time for the festival period, all traders received the visit of the team of directors and reinforced the ban. Note that if there is violation of the law the trade can be closed and the trader is collected by the Military Police.

The Guardian Council is the period of holidays in Tile Cocal during night shifts and all complaints should be addressed immediately. Phones to contact the Guardianship Board are: 86-32630256 or 98,161 and 4791. The Guardian Council also has a page on facebook to report cases, complaints, suggestions and compliments.

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