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A fridge branch manager, the city of Varjota-EC, 220 km from Fortaleza, angered the population of the city, killing several dogs in the city. It happened in Otem morning, Friday, and a toll on facebook viralizou. The information was confirmed in newspaper TV Verdes Mares, affiliated to Rede Globo, but until last night had not been registered police report at the local police station. The Ceará Police facebook page also released the information.

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Using a shotgun, businessman killed several animals in sequence on the same street and the reason is why they were disturbing other animals raised for him. Ana Claudia Barroso Caitano had made the posting on the network, showing some dead animals. "In the morning there was an unbelievable slaughter here in our street. You Leandro Nobre just went shooting rifle in dogs that were on the street. Now I ask? Where is the right to life, respect for the citizens who witnessed is cruelty without name ? He in turn nor preocupau to be seen because you know you will not get punishment. He arrived by car, shot and left with the same tranquility that arrived, I am mortified by the excesses and the sense of power that these people have, Varjota is all in fact, was the conclusion I reached in the morning now, shame, sadness, and sure Varjota not deserve things like that ... not me and my neighbors to pay our debts, work, tomes school-age children ... Varjota have to change ... "he described.


According to the Law of Environmental Crimes, killing domesticated animals as well as wild, it is a crime. The proposed penalty is three months to one year in jail and a fine. 

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Por: Da Redação. campomaioremfoco@hotmail.com

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